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Rebecca Patterson


Rebecca Patterson grew up in Bolton and studied Fashion at East London Polytechnic and The Royal College of Art, before going on to do the MA in Children's Book Illustration at Anglia Ruskin University, where she was one of the winners of the Macmillan Prize.


My Big Shouting Day! (Puffin) won the prestigious Roald Dahl Funny Prize and was chosen for the Dolly Parton Imagination Library Program. 


Rebecca wrote and illustrated the brilliant fiction trilogy A Moon Girl Stole My Friend, A Robot Girl Ruined My Sleepover and A Moon Boy Stole My Best Friend (Andersen).

Recent picture books include Nursery? Not Today! (Farshore) and Four Bad Unicorns (Andersen).


Rebecca lives in Cambridge and works part time in a primary school where she runs a popular fast paced reception class crafting table. .


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